Sunday, February 3

an anti-terror mystery...

First, I should say that we do have internet at the TAFL center, alhamdulillah, and so whenever I am able to use my computer between/before/after classes, I will. Now for the mystery!

The very first time I watched television here in Egypt, I noticed these strange anti-terror ads that came with a very strong, clear message: Terrorism has no religion, no homeland. The production was all very slick, but with no announcement saying who the message was from. I finally was able to write down the website that flashed at the end of the ads: But the website was also extremely mysterious. Finally I sent notices to two sites about the ads, one of which ( put up a post about it. Today I saw that someone had posted a link to an article in the comments:

I recommend that anyone interested in the U.S., the Middle East, "terrorism" in all its definitions, Iraq, the media, communications, government, etc. read it. Read it even if you aren't interested in any of those things. It's an interesting mystery...I'd like to hear your theories. Actually, while I'm here I'm collecting conspiracy theories as a kind of hobby. I think this is going to go on the list.

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