Sunday, April 6

Oh, never mind.

Well, it turns out that the police seized the textile workers' factory in Mahalla, which was supposed to have started the strike, so there are no demonstrations, apparently not even in Cairo. It is quieter...there is a lot less traffic. It looks like more people did stay home today, but that's about it. Link to the story on Reuters: Yay emergency rule.

Apparently the elections on Tuesday will also be a fairly ho-hum affair, since most of the 'independent' candidates from the Muslim Brotherhood were either arrested or not allowed to register.

Although these are obviously disappointing developments as far as the future of Egypt is converned, I guess it's a win-win situation for us...we have no classes, and we get to stay home on what looks to be a very windy, blustery day.

More later, since obviously I have nothing else to do.

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